神话故事动画片 中国神话故事英语精选16篇

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下面是小编给你整理的关于神话故事动画片,希望 中国神话故事英语精选16篇的内容对你有用!



  中国神话故事英语 篇1

  Taihang, Wong Uk two mountains, up to a radius of 700, up to ten feet Qiba Qian. They originally located in the southern part of Jizhou, on the rth shore of the River.

  Cal the Foolish Old Man of the northern people, nearly 90-year-old age, living in the face of . Foolish Old Man of the suffer from blocking the road to the north, go all the way Raoyuan. Foolish Old Man of the then convened to discuss the whole family, said: "You and I both tried two big mountains to be leve, it has to pass Yuzhou in the south, to reach the south bank of Han River, will you?" We have agreed with him. Foolish Old Man's wife questioned said: "With your strength, not even the father of Quebec have cut the land grievances, and can Taihang, Wong Uk Shan how these two do? Besides, where on earth to go?" We One after another: "to the edge of the earth and rock into the Bohai Sea, north of the hidden land." Foolish Old Man of the children and grandchildren can then lead the three-Tiaodan, stone cutting, digging the soil, Kei basket delivered to the edge of the Bohai Sea. 's neighbors last name has a widow orphans, just seven or eight years old, to help them bounce. Winter and summer seas, the only one from t.

  The b-chi to stop the Foolish Old Man of old gentleman with a smile: "You too smart. With your remaining years of effort, not to destroy a mountain of grass, mud and rock how can?" Foolish Old Man of the Beishan A long heavy sigh and said: "You thought stubborn, obstinate to the point where can not be changed, not as widows and small children. Even if I die, and in it; and grandson of Health, sons and grandchildren; son and his son, Son and grandson; children and grandchildren did not come to an , but Hill will not increase the height of injustice dug why worry? "Moses old gentleman does not bend, then to answer.

  Holding the snake mountain heard about it, for fear he kept digging continues, the Association reported on the matter. Emperor moved by his sincerity, the command's E boast two sons go back two Hill. On the eastern part of a Shuofang, a Yongzhou on the south. Since then, in the south of Jizhou, north of the Han River, there is no barrier of high mountains.

  中国神话故事英语 篇2


  Ancient times, in the north of the country, there is a magnificent towering Chengdu contained Tianshan mountains there lived a giant called Kuafu family clan. Kuafu tribe leader called braggadocio, he was extremely tall, Litaiwuqiong, strong-willed, the extraordinary spirit. At that time, the world's desolation behind, poisonous snakes wild beasts run amok, and people's lives miserable. Kuafu the purpose of this tribe of people can live births every day and led the crowd fighting with the scourge. Braggadocio often caught in ferocious yellow snake hanging in his ears as a decoration, be proud of.

  One year, days of drought. Like fire and the sun scorched the ground crops, dried up river water. One hot uncomfortable, I can not live. Kuafu to see this scenario, we set ambitious vowed to catch the sun and let it listen to the people's instructions, and better service for everyone.

  One day, the sun had just risen from the sea, Kuafu take significant steps from the edge of the East China Sea began his daily journey.

  Sun in the sky flew forward, braggadocio on the ground as high winds to recover. Kuafu kept chasing 呀 chase, hungry, picking a wild fruit boxes; thirsty, and holding a river mouth thirst-quenching; tired, and was only a nap. His heart has been encouraging ourselves: "Soon, we must catch up with the sun, and people's lives will be happy." He catch for nine days and nine nights, from the sun, closer to us, glowing red, burning hot sun on his own head 啦.

  Kuafu has crossed the one seat mountain, crossed a river section, and finally we must catch up with the sun-Yu Gu. At this time, Kuafu mind extremely excited. He may reach out to catch the sun, because of over-excitement, physical and psychological haggard, suddenly, Kuafu felt dizziness, actually passed out. When he awoke, the sun has long gone.

  Kuafu still not discouraged, he summon the body's strength, she is preparing to set out. However, the closer from the sun, the more intense sunlight, Kuafu feel more and more intolerable anxiety, he felt he was covered in water have been evaporated, and urgent, he needs to drink plenty of water. So stand up and walk south-east of Kuafu the Yellow River, Fu Xiashen son, drank the water of the Yellow River, the Yellow River water was that he Hegan, and he was going to drink the water in the Weihe River. Who knows, he Hegan of the Weihe River water, or not to quench your thirst. As a result, he intended to go north, going to drink a large Ze water. However, the braggadocio is really tired and too thirsty, and when he went half way, the body will no longer unable to cope, and slowly fall to the ground, dead.

  Kuafu's death, his body turned into a mountain. This is the "braggadocio Mountain", it was said Lingbao County, Henan Province is located in the West is now 35 Spirit Lake valley and the pool where the middle valley. Kuafu dropped the cane when he died, but also has become a colorful Yunxia Taolin the same. Taolin of the difficult terrain, and their descendants treat this place called the "Tao-lin chai."

  Kuafu dead, he did not catch the sun. However, the Emperor of Heaven by his sacrifice, moved by the spirit of the brave heroes to punish the sun. Since then, every year of his tribal days, all things flourish. Kuafu's descendants live in Kuafu Yamashita, parenthood, offspring, life is very happy.

  中国神话故事英语 篇3

  The fox borrows the tiger’s fierceness (by walking in the latter’scompany)——bully people by flaunting one’s powerful connections.

  One day,a fox ran into a tiger,which was hunting in the forest.Facing thetiger’s big hungry mouth,the fox pretended to be surprised,and said,“How dareyou eat me?I’m much fiercer than you though you have the name of ‘King of thebeasts’!” “What are you talking about?” said the tiger who couldn’t believe hisears.“If you don’t believe me,let’s go and see other beasts’ reactions at thesight of us.” Full of misgivings,the tiger decided to follow the fox and seewhat he was up to.

  A strange sight was taken place in the forest:the fox was proudly marchingin front and the ferocious tiger followed in a huff.Watching them,all the littlebeasts fled in a hurry.After a while,the fox stopped and asked the tiger,“Now doyou believe me?” The tiger,who was fooled by this trick,believed that the littlebeasts feared the fox instead of himself,therefore he let him go.

  The tiger lost a delicious meal,while the Chinese gained an interestingidiom.

  中国神话故事英语 篇4

  The Tiger and the Fox (狐假虎威英语版带翻译)

  One day, a hungry tiger met a fox, the tiger wanted to eat the fox, but the fox was very cleaver so he said:“You can't eat me. I'm the king of all the animal.”


  The tiger was puzzled, he said, “All the animal call me the king of jungle.”


  The fox said “If you don't believe me, let's walk around the forest, you can see if all the animal are afraid of me.”


  The tiger agreed.


  The tiger walked after the fox, all the animal in the forest saw the tiger and ran away.


  The fox was very happy, he said“see? All the animal are afraid of me.”


  The tiger ran away.


  中国神话故事英语 篇5

  Have you not heard of the frog that lived in a shallow well? It said to a turtle that lived in the East Sea, "I am so happy! When I go out, I jump about on the railing beside the mouth of the well. When I come home, I rest in the holes on the broken wall of the well. If I jump into the water, it comes up to my armpits and holds up my cheeks. If I walk in the mud, it covers up my feet. I look around at the wriggly worms, crabs and tadpoles, and none of them can compare with me. Moreover, I am lord of this trough of water and I stand up tall in this shallow well. My happiness is full. My dear sir, why don't you come often and look around my place?"

  Before the turtle from the East Sea could get its left foot in the well, its right knee got stuck. It hesitated and retreated. The turtle told the frog about the East Sea.

  "Even a distance of a thousand li cannot give you an idea of the sea's width; even a height of a thousand ren cannot give you an idea of its depth. In the time of King Yu of the Xia dynasty, there were floods nine years out of ten, but the waters in the sea did not increase. ln the time of King Tang of the Shang dynasty there were droughts seven years out of eight, but the waters in the sea did not decrease. The sea does not change along with the passage of time and its level does not rise or fall according to the amount of rain that falls. The greatest happiness is to live in the East Sea."

  After listening to these words, the frog of the shallow well was shocked into realization of his own insignificance and became very ill at ease.

  中国神话故事英语 篇6

  There is a farmer who works at sunrise and rests at sunset. He wanted to improve his life, but he was too lazy, too timid, too lazy and afraid to do anything, and always wanted to encounter unexpected wealth.


  The miracle finally happened. One day in late autumn, he was plowing in the field, and a rabbit, impartial, hit his head on the root of the tree beside his field.


  On that day, he had a good meal. From then on, he stopped planting. From day to night, the magic tree roots, waiting for the miracle.


  中国神话故事英语 篇7

  A farm wanted to eat good food every day, but he didn’t like working. He often went to other farmer’s homes. When they ate1, he ate with them, so the farms didn’t like him.


  One day, he saw a hare running down the hill. The hare knocked against2 a tree in his field, broke its neck and fell dead. The farmer was so happy. “Great!” he went to the tree and got the dead hare, and went home with it.


  That day, he ate a lot. He thought that the meat of the hare was very nice. The next day, he put down3 his hoe, and waited by the tree for a second hare to turn up4. He waited all day long, but no hare come at all.


  中国神话故事英语 篇8

  Staying by a Stump Waiting for More Hares To Come and Dash Themselves Against It This story took place more than 2,000 years ago,in the Warring States period(475-221 B.C.).Tradition has it that in the State of Song at that time there was a man who was famous for staying by a stump waiting for more hares to come and dash themselves against it.

  He was a yong farmer,and his family had been farmers for generations.Year after year and generation after generation,farmers used to sow in spring and harvest in autumn,beginning to work at sunrise and retiring at sunset.In good harvest years,they could only have enough food to eat and enough clothing to wear.If there was a famine due to crop failure,they had to go hungry.

  This young farmer wanted to improve his life.But he was too lazy and too cowardly.Being lazy and cowardly over everything,he often dreamed of having unexpected blessings.

  A miracle took place at last.One day in late autumn,when he was ploughing in the field,two groups of people were hunting nearby.As shoutings were rising one after another,scared hares were running desperately.Suddenly,a blind hare dashed itself headlong against the stump of a dead tree in his field and died.

  That day,he ate his fill.

  From that day on,he no longer went in for farming again.From morning till night,he stayed by that miraculous stump,waiting for miracles to take place again.

  This story comes from"The Five Vermin"in The Works of Han Feizi.Later generations often use the set phrase"staying by a stump waiting for more hares to come and dash themselves against it"to show grusting to chance and windfalls or dreaming to reap without sowing.It is also used to show adhering to narrow experiences and not being able to be flexible.






  中国神话故事英语 篇9

  Ye Gong likes the dragon very much, on clothes' belt hook engraves the dragon, in the wine pot, the wine class is engraving the dragon, on eave room is carving the dragon pattern design. He likes dragon takeing a ply like this, is known after by the space real dragon, then drops from the space to the leaf government. The main item builds on the window visits, the Dragon's Tail has put in the hall. As soon as Ye Gong looked that is the real dragon, frightens turns around to run, probably the soul has resembled, the complexion sudden change, cannot control itself simply. Therefore, leaf male by no means really likes the dragon! He likes just is these resembles Long Feilong the thing!


  中国神话故事英语 篇10

  Near China's northern borders lived a man well versed in the practices of Taoism. His horse, for no reason at all, got into the territory of the northern tribes. Everyone commiserated with him.

  "Perhaps this will soon turn out to be a blessing." said his father.

  After a few months, his animal came back, leading a fine horse from the north. Everyone congratulated him.

  "Perhaps this will soon turn out to be a cause of misfortune." said his father.

  Since he was well-off and kept good horses his son became fond of riding and eventually broke his thigh bone falling from a horse. Everyone commiserated with him.

  "Perhaps this will soon turn out to be a blessing." said his father.

  One year later, the northern tribes started a big invasion of the border regions. All able-bodied young men took up arms and fought against the invaders, and as a result, around the border nine out of ten men died. This man's son did not join in the fighting because he was crippled and so both the boy and his father survived.








  中国神话故事英语 篇11

  once upon a time, the youngest daughter of Yan, legary ruler of primitive China, went boating on the Eastern Sea. While she was enjoying herself, a strong wind rose on the sea and her boat capsized. Jt before she was buried by the surging waves, her spirit turned into a beautiful bird. As it flew over the roaring sea, it cried sadly in the sound "jinwei, jingwei". That was why people cal it "Jingwei".

  The bird lived on a mountain near the sea. It hated the sea so much that it decided to fill it up. Every day, it flew to and fro between the mountain and the sea, carrying in a twig or a pebble from the mountain and dropping it into the sea.

  One day, the roaring sea said to Jingwei, "Poor little bird, stop doing that meaningless thing! You'll never fill me up." Jingwei replied, "I'll fill you up doubt! I will, even if it'll take me thoands of years! I'll fight on until doomsday!"

  The brave little bird kept carrying twigs and pebbles from the mountain to the Eastern Sea without taking a rest.

  From t fable comes the idiom "The bird Jingwei trying to fill the sea". We e it to describe people who are firm and indomitable and will t stop until they reach their goal.

  中国神话故事英语 篇12

  Legend has it that there are three gods into three of the elderly poor, to foxes, monkeys, rabbits for food, the fox and the monkey had food to relief, only rabbit be at a loss what to do.


  Then the rabbit said: "you eat my flesh!"


  it into the fire, will he cooked, fairy touched, put the rabbit to the palace of the moon, the moon.


  Company E, and ramming ever-young medicine.


  中国神话故事英语 篇13

  Legend a long time ago, a pair of rabbit practice Millennium became immortal. They have four lovely daughters, all born to pure cute.


  One day, the emperor summoned the rabbits in heaven, it left his wife and children to be reluctant to part, stepping on the cloud temple. When it came to the south gate, see too white Venus day will lead the moon from the side walk. Rabbit fairy know what had happened, he asked a guard's door god beside. After hearing her encounter, rabbit fairy feel the innocent suffer, sympathize with her. But his meager strength, can be of any help? Think of the man in the moon, how lonely sad, if someone with good, suddenly thought of their four daughters, it immediately ran home.

  一天,玉皇大帝召见雄兔上天宫,它依依不舍地离开妻儿,踏着云彩上天宫去。正当它来到南天门时,看到太白金星带领天将押着嫦娥从身边走去。兔仙不知发生了什么事,就问旁边一位看守天门的天神。听完她的遭遇后,兔仙觉得嫦娥无辜受罪,很同情她。但是自己力量微薄,能帮什么忙呢?想到嫦娥一个人关在月宫里,多么寂寞悲伤,要是有人陪伴就好了,忽然想到自己的四个女儿, 它立即飞奔回家。

  The Moon Fairy rabbit tell the female rabbit, and a child to say with the goddess of the moon. The female rabbit though deeply sympathize with the moon, but loathe to give up their baby daughter, this is tantamount to the heart of flesh cut it! Daughters also reluctant to leave their parents, with tears in her eyes. The male rabbit sincere words and earnest wishes to say: "if I were alone, shut up, you are willing to accompany me? The moon in order to save the people, compromised, we can sympathize with her? The children, we can't think only about yourself!"


  The children understand the father's heart, all wants to go. Two rabbits with tears in his eyes, smiled. They decided to let the youngest daughter.


  The little moon farewell parents and sisters, flying to the moon to live!


  中国神话故事英语 篇14

  Panda looks like a little bear. It has black and white fur. It lives only in China, so it is called the national treasure of China and protected by the law. We all see panda on TV or in the zoo. They look stupid and walk slowly, but they are lovely and everyone likes them. A panda is lucky animal. We Chinese like it, and people of the world like it, too. Now there are China’s pandas in many other countries, such as Japan and the USA… A panda isn’t a common animal, it is bridge of friendship.

  熊猫看起来好像一只小熊。它的皮毛是黑白相间。 它只居住在中国,因此,它是中国的国宝,受到国家法律的保护。 我们在电视上或在动物园里能看到熊猫。他们看起来显得很笨的样子,走起来很缓慢,但很可爱,大家都很喜欢它们。 熊猫是个吉祥的动物。中国人民喜欢它,世界人民也喜欢它。现在许多国家都有中国的熊猫,如,日本、美国…… 熊猫不是一种普通的动物,而是一座友谊的桥梁。

  中国神话故事英语 篇15

  One day a man walking on the road met a celestial, who happened to be an old friend of his.


  Seeing that his life was hard, the celestial pointed with his finger at a brick on the roadside, which turned into a gold brick at once.


  And he gave it to the man.


  But the man was not satisfied. The celestial pointed again with his finger at a large stone lion at the gate, which at once turned into a gold lion.


  And he gave it to him too. But the man still complained it was not enough.


  The celestial asked him:


  “My friend, how much will be enough for you? What should I do to satisfy you?”


  The man hummed and hawed and said:“I want your finger.”


  中国神话故事英语 篇16

  In order to avoid calamities, at first the kingfisher always selects a high place to build its nest.


  But when the young birds are hatched, it will move to a place a little lower to build its nest.


  This is because the kingfisher is particularly fond of its offspring and is afraid they hight fall down from a high place.


  When the young birds grow beautiful feathers,the kingfisher will become even fonder of them and more protective,


  so it will move its nest further downward, with the result that the young birds are easily taken away by people.


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